Today is a marked day on the calendar, there will be women who experience it more closely than others, but it affects us all.

Although we are not a specialized tea platform, but a clothing brand aimed at women, we want to share some useful resources in case you find yourself in one of the following situations.

day against gender violence 25N

We leave you some simple tips to keep them in mind on a day-to-day basis:

day against gender violence

For a few months, this signal has become the salvation of various women who have been able to do it in public and be rescued from the situation of abuse they were suffering. There are 3 simple steps that can be a before and after in the life of a woman.

It is very important to keep this number in memory because it is a direct way to help in situations of gender violence. You can always go to the general emergency number, but here they are trained to deal with all kinds of conflicts related to sexist violence.

It may seem to us that we do not suffer gender violence or that no one around us is in danger, but to a greater or lesser extent we have all witnessed situations that have made us turn on all the alarms and perhaps we have not known what to do about it. Being clear about existing resources can help us to react more actively if we come across a situation of aggression again.

As in many other areas, we have been able to verify the power of the community, the strength of thousands of people fighting for the same cause, this is no exception. Sorority and unity will always lead us to improve.

There are many specialized platforms that are providing valuable information on this topic, find the support network that best represents you.

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