News » Greenwashing

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4 razones por las que no comprar en el Black Friday (y algunas alternativas)

4 reasons why not to buy on Black Friday (and some alternatives)

Black Friday is a consumer activity that harms the environment and penalizes ethical brands and small businesses. You want to know why? Below we give you 5 reasons why NOT...

France will force the labeling of clothing with carbon emission indicators

France will force to add carbon emissions labels to their clothes next year. These labels will be a government seal, which has been created by the Ministry of Ecological Transition , whose objective...
Francia obligará a etiquetar las prendas de ropa con indicadores de emisiones de carbono
mano maniquí madera cogiendo flor

~The ethical behavior of the fashion industry in the spotlight~

On Wednesday May 25, Pascal Morand and Carlo Capasa insisted on the importance of quality in fashion, before quantity ; in the necessary transparency and traceability; on fundamental ethical behavior...


En el marco actual, donde el "greenwashing" o ecopostureo se ha vuelto una práctica común, es vital desarrollar un enfoque crítico hacia las afirmaciones de sostenibilidad de las marcas. Este...