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La moda sostenible y versátil de proximidad: descubre la nueva colección AW 24/25 de POEMS

The sustainable and versatile fashion of proximity: discover the new AW 24/25 collection of POEMS

New Autumn-Winter collection, "Mind in the Clouds": size range, new prints and vibrant colors of the tricot.

Made in Catalonia: The importance of supporting local production

Discover how supporting local production in Catalonia strengthens the regional economy and promotes more sustainable and ethical fashion. Explore innovation in Catalan fashion and how brands like POEMS are leading...
Hecho en Cataluña: La importancia de apoyar la producción local
transparencia moda

Fashion transparency: Do you know where and how your clothes are made?

POEMS BCN promotes transparency in fashion from the origin of materials to the store, focusing on fair trade practices and eco-efficient production. The brand leads by example, encouraging consumers to...

POEMS BCN and REC.0: An alliance for sustainable fashion

POEMS BCN, with its commitment to sustainability and conscious fashion, has found in REC.0 the perfect setting to implement its philosophy. This edition of REC.0 will be held from May...
REC Maig 2024